Polynesians are some of the greatest navigators in the all of human history, whom navigated and explored the vast Pacific Ocean in voyaging canoes. They used the stars as their guide and expertise of the ocean and wind elements to survive and settle their roots across the world. Voyaging has deep roots in Hawaii, in it’s culture and in it’s identity. With the recent innovation to surfing in hydrofoils, the newest and most exciting application to traverse and voyage across bodies of water is possible and is thriving in Hawaii and in many places around the world.

Circa 2019 the foil scene on Oahu was budding. Equipment and gear was limited, but excitement was high. With a handful of riders leading the way, the next frontier seemed to be lengthening your ride by going from surf break to surf break. At the time, being on less efficient surf foils, connecting two to three waves was an outstanding accomplishment so traversing to the next nearest surf break was mind blowing. In 2020 high aspect wings were introduced. The level of efficiency, glide and speed was greatly improved and the traversing continued and grew into longer stretches and the exploration grew further from the comfort of surf breaks.

This exploration of riding on foil beyond the surf breaks opened up a new realm of what was possible and what was the most enjoyable; Down Wind Foiling. We knew it was unique and exhilarating because you could see the potential and the blend of two worlds. Surfing’s most innovative advancement and technology in hydro foils met the ancient practice, skillset and application of open ocean navigation, bump/swell recognition/deciphering, and voyaging. We had Hawaii’s most talented surf foilers being blown away at how exciting and thrilling it was to ride open ocean energy beyond the surf break, and several experienced canoe paddlers, SUP paddlers, prone paddle boarders whom were familiar with down winding, but fascinated with the new sport of foiling and needed to increase their skill level and capabilities. The talented foil surfers had the physicality to foil, and the paddlers had the strategical mindset to down wind. Both parties leaned on each other sharing their insights with one another, in hopes of pushing forward and discovering new possibilities and down wind runs.

The Kaiko’o’s run is on the south shore of Oahu, beginning on the eastern end of diamond head and stretching down wind and down swell to the Kaimana beach area. It is one of the most unique down wind voyaging coastlines in the world, in the sense that it is very user friendly and great for learning. Up at the top, you catch a wave in the surf break at Kaiko’o’s activating your foil and levitating above the water, then pump out to the wind line which is abnormally close, then proceed to ride down the coast approximately 2.5 miles to your destination by successfully linking and riding open ocean down wind swells and groundswells. The coastline is very forgiving for down wind foilers, because if you happen to make an error or fall off of foil unexpectedly, you can paddle nearby and catch a wave to get back onto foil again and proceed down the coast.

The new group of foilers began going from Kaiko’o’s and had the best time in learning, developing new approaches in riding, failing and struggling, accomplishing the run, learning about the conditions and coast, and continuously learning from each other and growing the new community of down wind foilers. Since then, we can see that the down wind community has grown exponentially and continues to grow at a rapid pace. We have explored runs all around the island, ventured to outer islands, and have even been to various places in the world to taste, see and enjoy the different ocean bumps. Its amazing and exciting to see the sport growing and taking off in many places around the world, even in unsuspecting places where surf culture isn’t mainstream or common.

Its growing into an international phenomenon, drawing the interest from many high level surf, sail, wind, and ocean athletes. But in our opinion, what makes it special is that if you’re willing to suffer, struggle and learn, anyone can develop the skill set to downwind foil .