Port De la Selva Voyager Downwind Camp (Northern Spain) October 15,16,17.

Port De la Selva Voyager Downwind Camp (Northern Spain) October 15,16,17.


SUP Downwind Foil is one of the hardest ocean sports out there. Learning from expert instructors with proven success will shorten your struggles greatly, get you downwinding sooner, exposed to various skills, tips and perspectives and help fine tune your gear for proper performance.

Bring your own gear, board and foil. Recommended skill level of being able to ride and balance on foil with some pumping mechanics.

3 day camp Includes (1359 Euros)

3 days of Expert instruction on land and in water with proven success and progression

Shuttling of downwind runs

Lodging and accomodation in Port De la Selva

Food- Lunch. and Dinner

Film and video review for study and progression

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